10 Reasons To Hire A Brand Sherpa.
“What a clever title.”
That’s the response I often get when I tell people I’m a Brand Sherpa
But being a Brand Sherpa is not about being witty or gimmicky.
It’s actually how I see my role.
How so?
Technically speaking, a Sherpa describes a specific ethnic group of people from high in the Himalayas. As mountaineering professionals, Sherpas are famous for guiding climbers up the most challenging peaks in the world. Known for their ability is to ascent routes no one has ascended before. And their power is to perform extremely under conditions inhospitable for most of us.
You don’t want to attempt Mt. Everest or Kilimanjaro without one.
And you just might want one to guide you on an ambitious branding or rebranding initiative.
Here’s why.
#1: Sherpas are experienced.
Branding, like climbing, is an uphill endeavor. And no one knows the mountain and terrain like a Sherpa. They not only chart your path up the mountain, they know the logistics, have tools and resources and line of sight needed to scale — so you get to the top safely and achieve heights you never thought possible. Pretty handy in business.
#2. Sherpas have innate intuition and awareness.
They are caretakers who understand the abilities — and the limitations — of the entire team. They see around corners. Sense when the air is beginning to thin. Recognize when someone is struggling. Detect the early warning signs of altitude sickness, hypoxia, fatigue, frostbite and cerebral/pulmonary edema. And when others falter, they carry the load. In business, that means having the patience to pause when conditions seem unfavorable. And having the clarity and perspective to tell you when something is off-mission.
#3. Sherpas walk together with you as a team.
Sherpa don’t lead from afar. They face the same harsh condition, take the same level of risk, climb the mountain and endure the struggles and success right along with the team. As a result, they build confidence and trust.
#4. Sherpas have phenomenal energy.
They can do the heavy lifting to get you through a rough patch. Carry the bags so you don’t get weighed down. Pitch the tents. Stock the food and fuel. String the rope line from basecamp to summit. And keep you from falling from the edge. All so you can focus on moving forwards. At great altitudes — or when the stakes are high — Sherpa bodies seem to run on premium. While everyone else is burning on fumes, struggling to ascend massive peaks amid low levels of oxygen, Sherpas work at a higher caliber.
#5. Sherpas are resourceful and inventive.
Like a high-efficiency car with a smaller gas tank than a gas-guzzling SUV, a Sherpa gets more mileage with a lot less fuel — in their case — oxygen. A handy skill to have in challenging economic times.
#6. Sherpas are results oriented.
They know what’s at stake. Are incredibly focused, resilient, and tough, yet possess a great deal of empathy. And can make the difference between triumph and tragedy.
#7. Sherpas are adaptable.
They are true problem solvers. Rapidly changing conditions? Unexpected weather? Predators? Obscured paths? Nah. A Sherpa never lets an obstacle end an expedition. They find a workaround. Build contingency plans. Adapt in real time. Make quick adjustment to prevent major setbacks. This ability to assess, react and adapt is critical to business success.
#8. Sherpas are inspiring.
They are capable not just of commanding — but empowering people through courageous and thoughtful leadership. Sherpas actually help those they lead reach their full potential.
#9. Sherpas are gutsy and decisive.
They are warriors — not worriers. When needed, they are ready, willing and able to make a tough call without wavering. And that can make the difference between triumph and tragedy.
10. Above all, Sherpas let those they guide be the hero of the journey.
They define success by how many climbers they help reach the summit. Supporting and challenging the team so they become the best. That’s where they establish their credibility and integrity.
So, before you attempt to climb your very own Everest, consider having a Sherpa by your side. Someone who is prepared to be with you every step of the way. Someone who will keep you from falling off some cliff. You just may reach that rarified air sought by many. And achieved by so few.